Friday, September 3, 2010

A Thought for Your Piece of Chocolate?

I'm on a new kick!....Surprising, I know! I was given a "Dove" chocolate piece in a thank you card recently. I knew from previous indulgences that there is a "food for thought" inside the wrapper. Of course, after you unwrap the chocolate to get to the thought you MUST eat the chocolate to get the full effect of the thought!

I can't remember what the wrapper said at that time. However, as I was trying to rack my brain to come up with a little something to boost one of my visiting teaching sister's spirits, I decided to buy her a bag of Dove Chocolates remembering the cute thoughts inside the wrappers. AND...chocolate ALWAYS makes us feel better...right? I added in the card that she could have one chocolate to receive a positive or fun thought per day. So, I bought TWO bags! If it's good enough for her, it's good enough for me!

Yes, I indulged today. This is what my wrapper said:

"Be the silver lining in another's cloud."

Another one from a previous day:

"You can't lead a positive life with a negative attitude."

No explanation needed...both statements can stand on their own!

Now...SPLURGE!! Go buy a bag of Dove Chocolates! Savor the smoothness of the chocolate as it melts in your mouth. But even more importantly, savor the thought inside your wrapper and may it help put a smile on your face!


Leisha said...

So how much money are you getting from Dove, for indorsing their product?

melanie said...

You ARE my silver lining (cry, cry. tears, tears). Love you and your attitude.

Nancy Mc said...

just got home from the grocery store. I will have to go back tomorrow-no later today and will be saying, "Marion made me do it". I'm going to use this for my VT's great idea.

Mishelle Noyes said...

These little chocolates are so cute! And they taste really really good! I remember my parents would go on a date to Eddies restaurant in Moses and bring me home their fortune cookie to open and eat. I loved reading the message that was written just for "me". These doves can get addicting cause they have that same effect. Like someone somewhere is sitting in a factory somewhere typing up these special messages for everyone in the world to enjoy. Wouldn't that be a fun job!

Sylvia said...

Just dropped by (via Collin's blog). I enjoyed reading it. I have one question...oh my goodness, WHO is singing "you've got a friend" on your playlist!?

JanaLee said...

I'm stealing this idea for a sister I visit teach that is inactive. She's having surgery on Monday and is real nervous. Plus she is 81 so that makes her extra nervous. Great are clever!!