Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy 31st Birthday, Milo!'s not Matt Hasselbeck! It's Milo Bushman! Although, he has had people think he is or at least looks like him. (Seattle Seahawks quarterback) It was 31 years ago I had my first baby. I was so glad it was a boy because I always wanted a boy first. (I wish my scanner was working to post his baby pictures! He was so cute!) He weighed 7 1bs. 1 oz. and had lots of blonde hair.

I wanted to name him Nicholas because he was born so close to Christmas. I always liked the name "Nick" but I lost out. Milo was named after his dad's oldest brother who had been killed in a farming accident. I figured I could live with the name but I wasn't fond of it. I called my new baby "baby" for weeks! I've always liked unique names though. His name grew on me and I can't picture him as "Nick" at all now. And Milo is becoming a more popular name now.

Milo went through some tough times with me at a young age. He was a momma's boy (still is) and was wise beyond his years. I've leaned on him, relied on him, cried on his shoulder, and do to this day. What would I do without you..........!

When things got tough for us when I was a single mom, he made the decision along with me that it would be best if he and his sisters lived with their dad. I knew it was but it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do! Those were 6 tough years but we all grew from them. And they got to know their dad when otherwise they wouldn't have very well before he died.

I'm so grateful for the man he has become. He's a wonderful son, a faithful husband, a loving father, a fun brother, etc. He's always makes me laugh and is so funny! He's faithful in his beliefs and has integrity that all men should have. I'm so proud of him!

So...Happy Birthday my dear, Milo! Thank you for being my son. You will always be my rock! I love you!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Older I Get...

...the simpler my holiday preparations become...
...the closer I feel to old friends as I write my Christmas cards...
...the more I cherish the oldest ornaments...
...the more fondly I remember Christmases past...
...the longer I hold on to a holiday hug...
...the more I realize Christmas is a matter of the heart...
...the tighter my throat gets when I sing "Silent night"...
...the more I enjoy giving than receiving...
...the more I try to see Christmas through the eyes of a child...
...the longer I sit at night in the glow of the Christmas tree...
...the more wondrously beautiful the Christmas story is...
...the deeper my awe at God's infinite love...
the More I Love Christmas!

(I found this inside a Christmas card and I wanted to share it. It's so true!)

Better Late Than Never...BUT I REALLY AM THANKFUL!

Where does the time go? There never is enough days or hours in a day to get the many things done that I NEED to do...let alone WANT to do! Having a full-time job has become an inconvenience that I'm anxious to give up one day to spend the time to do more than just what I NEED to do! I feel I just get the surface of everything done and nothing is done the way I really would like it done! (I want to clean and organize my garage!!) I just get by...............

I missed posting for Thanksgiving. I don't think we even took pictures that day! Sad, I know! I had a full house; Hubby & myself, Mom & Dad, Brianne and family, Milo and family, Landon and family, LaVoy (my sister) and family which totaled 19 for dinner plus 2 babies. Shaila and her crew came over for dessert so the house was bulging at the seams! We missed Leisha, Richard, and Emma!

As we were starting to clean up dinner, the women all decided to be spontaneous and go see "Twilight". All of us had seen it but Mom so it gave the rest of us an excuse to see it again! Melanie opted out since she was hitting Black Friday and leaving Milo all day with the 4 kids. (We missed having you along, Mel...and thanks for doing so much while we were gone!) I enjoyed Twilight better the second time.

Anyway....I am very thankful for many things. Here's a few but certainly not all....that would be never ending...

  • I'm thankful for knowing and having more than just faith that I have a Heavenly Father.
  • I'm thankful for everything He has given me because EVERYTHING comes from Him.
  • parents, siblings, Hubby, children (in-laws), and grandbabies that light up my life!
  • Home...that is my refuge from the world.
  • Friends...for special ones that I know were placed in my life for a reason. (And who will dress up as Witches with me!)
  • Gospel...I treasure my testimony and am so thankful for the knowledge it gives me of who I am, where I've come from and where I am going.
  • Health...I come from good stock! Life would be so hard without good health!
  • To be a citizen of a nation founded on Christianity! Let's remember that!
  • This time of year...I love the Savior and for His example of what I need to be!

The list could go on and on! I'm thankful for so many things!.......Everyday!