Friday, September 4, 2009

Here's Looking At You, Leisha!

My baby turned 23!! How did that happen?

Leisha was born September 1, 1986, on Labor Day, in American Fork, Utah. Pretty fitting, huh? She was born at 10:48 a.m. and weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs. 13 oz.
The above picture was taken at the hospital on Sept. 3. Hospital pictures never do the baby justice. She was so much cuter than the's proof.

(This is Leisha @ 2 1/2 months. She weighed over 13 lbs.)

(This was her 1 year old picture.)

Leisha was and is my only blonde/blue eyed daughter. Milo is the only other one of my kids that is blonde/blue eyed. She was my happiest and most content baby. She always smiled at everyone and when she would smile her eyes sparkled. I loved her little heart shaped mouth. More than once when I would be out with her, people would say she looked like the Gerber baby.

Here's more pictures as she's growing up.

(Her hair was naturally curly and still is.)

Leisha is an actress at heart. She loves being on stage and is quite the comedian. She was in most of the plays throughout high school and many of them she had the leading part. If you want to see the real Leisha....go watch her in a play.

(This is one of the pictures I have of her in a play. Most of them that I took are too dark! I'm not a photographer!)

(Graduation picture/2005)

(Leisha and her husband, Richard.)

(Mother and Daughter, December 2005.)

(Leisha and Emma on Emma's blessing day.)

And this last picture proves that Leisha definitely takes after her Mom!.....

Leisha I love you because.... always look for the good in everyone. have always lived up to the standards you were taught and believe in. are a wonderful example to everyone around you. have a kind and caring nature. always look out for the underdog. are beautiful. have many talents and more that you don't even realize yet. are genuine.'ve given us a beautiful grandaughter. are a sweet mother. are forgiving. encourage those around you to be their very best. are funny. are compassionate. make me proud. are an absolute blessing in my life. are a wonderful daughter.
....I love you more than you let yourself believe.
....and on and on!

Leisha, you are a wonderful, gifted, sweet young woman. I'm so proud of the person you've become and are becoming. You bless the lives of those around you with your kindness and understanding. I'm proud to be your Mom!

Happy Birthday! (A few days late!)


melanie said...

Oh what a cute post. I love all the Leisha photos, especially her baby ones with her heart shaped mouth. And the candy, witch photo too. Darling and definitely her mother's daughter. Happy birthday Leish!! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Well said Marion. Thanks for sharing your daughter with me as well. She has become one of my own. I loved the baby pictures and can certainly see where Emma gets her looks from. I can't even express how lucky we feel to have her as part of our family. Love you!
Nadine adams

Kathy’s Korner said...

Welcome back, I miss your posts. What a cute girl! I love that she is an actress, a quality I wish I had! I love the mother daughter picture at her wedding, no wonder she is so cute, she has such a cute mother!

Leisha said...

Woot Woot!! I finally got a post all to myself! I'm feeling pretty special. That fist picture I have never seen before. The second one I tried to burn from my memory...I look like I want to eat the camera! I most likly did want to eat the camera! Thanks for the post Mom Babe and always remember, it's always about me!

landon said...

This last picture Leisha is holding gum because that was her favorite thing in the world. She was so excited! Love you Leisha