Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"The Best Is Yet To Be"

This is kind of a continued post from Sunday.  I had ran across the video I posted "Look Not Behind Thee" Sunday as I was waiting for church to start.  Our ward time changed to 1 o'clock so I had some spare time.  I posted it in a hurry and updated my blog since it was still the Christmas theme.

Our lesson in Relief Society happened to be on the very subject.  (Thanks, Susan!)  And she referenced the video and the Ensign article from January 2010, "The Best Is Yet To Be" by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.   I L.O.V.E. Elder Holland.  His talks are always so.....RIGHT ON!  I cannot even put into words how I feel when I hear him speak.

2010 was a hard year for our family.  We had 3 pregnancies that all terminated prematurely.  One stillborn, one ectopic, and one that miscarried but not for a few weeks after finding no heartbeat.  We had severe water damage in our kitchen that resulted in our kitchen being useless for a month....but work going on in it from July-November.  We've been helping one of our children deal with the pain of going through a divorce that is beyond hard!

Believe me, I'm not complaining.  I know others have dealt and are dealing with far more tragic things than we are or have been dealing with.  I know our trials are for our growth and to strengthen us.  And I do ask myself, "What am I supposed to be learning from this?"

One thing I have learned....that I have to work at being happy.  I've always looked at myself as someone that has come by happiness pretty easily....until this year.  Maybe it's circumstances...(but I've been through worse!)...or maybe it's age!  (I don't like the latter!)  But it has become an effort and I don't like that!  In fact, everything has seemed to be an effort!  I've lacked that "zeal for life" that came pretty easy for me.  It seems I've only done what I've absolutely HAD to do!  I've neglected so many things this last year because I've had no desire to make the effort!   But whatever the reason, this article by Elder Holland has helped and is helping me.

So, my New Year's resolution........to leave the past where it belongs and know the BEST is yet to be!

LDS.org - Ensign Article - The Best Is Yet to Be


Nancy Mc said...

I hear you on everything being an effort. And age...I'll take that over the alternative. I better run, no walking, to get to reading the article. And I too, will work on being happy.

melanie said...

2010 was a challenging year. Moving, the ep, missing Moses, missing you, finding our place. But like you, I'd be very ungrateful if I didn't recognize all the tender mercies that I have been blessed with. Almost too many to count. Especially because I haven't always been happy along the way.

I love Elder Holland too, and this talk in one of my very favorites. Deserving of a reread I'm sure.

Great, great post. Love you!

JanaLee said...

Mimi...you are a bright lovely ray of beauty and hope to everyone who knows you!! You do not give yourself enough credit!! Thank you for sharing this post...we all need to always look ahead with our heads held high and "Looking Up"!!
Love you Sis!!

Shaila Lou said...

2010 was a crazy year for sure! And make that 4 pregnancies, since I had 2. :) I've always felt like I was a happy person too, and have gone through the last few years not feeling that way. Now I know it was my hormones were off.